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Teacher Professional Development

The Museum has been granted status as a Preferred Professional Development Provider by the Arkansas Department of Education.  Teachers of Arkansas History will have an opportunity to earn 3 hours of professional development credit by attending one of our hands-on workshops right here at the museum! 

The first two hours will focus on Arkansas History Content with an interperative tour of the museum and outbuildings which details the Potts Family history, history of the River Valley, and the Butterfield Overland Mail and Stage Company.  The last hour will give teachers creative and interesting strategies for teaching Arkansas History.

Credits:  2 hours Arkansas History, 1 hour Instructional Strategies.

Cost: $15 per teacher which includes take-away materials.

Contact: Kellie Van Es:; (479)970-5334; or Alicia Powell:; (479)968-8369.

June 12, 2012  9am-noon
other dates TBA