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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ever wonder what travel was like in the 1800's across the U.S.?  Well, it wasn't easy.  Read this article from the National Park Service.   
   "The stage route between Fort Smith, Arkansas, and San Francisco, California, passed through only two real towns: Tucson and El Paso. One stretch of route had no settlements for 900 miles; another had no water for 75." 
         The Butterfield stage traveled through the rugged Guadalupes rain or shine.

Travel on these roads was broken by stays in inns like the Potts Inn.  What comfort and luxury travelers found at the Potts Inn after days and days of cross country travel in those conditions! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Arkansas Heritage Month

May is Arkansas Heritage Month

At the Potts Inn, May is a busy month!  We host several school tours during the month of May every year.  The largest groups, by far, come from here in Pottsville.  The teachers in the Pottsville School District recognize the significance of the museum, and bring their students every year for special tours.

The 4th grade does its "Potts Inn Day" every year.  This event has grown from a half-day tour of the museum to a full day of tours, and activities.  The fourth grade teachers, the museum staff and board, and the Pottsville Junior High history department coordinate the event every May. 

Eighth graders from Pottsville Junior High lead tours, in period costume, of the house and grounds, while the fourth graders and teachers enjoy the living history they provide.

This year, the theme for Arkansas Heritage Month is:  "Dreams and Determination: Arkansans at Work."  With that theme in mind, the fourth graders have researched 19th Century occupations.  Each student will portray an occupation from the 1800's in Arkansas on the day of the tours.  Some of the occupations include:  riverboat captain, blacksmith, teacher, preacher, seamstress, milliner, carpenter, trapper, tinkerer, peddler...

In addition to the tours enjoyed in the morning, the afternoon will be full of fantastic pioneer activities.  Here's a list of the activities:

Civil War Hospital re-enactment
Civil War Soldier re-enactment
quilt making (every student will make a quilt square)
Lincoln Logs

All these activities are provided by volunteers from our community. The school wants to thank each and every one of our volunteers! 

These activities offer students in Pottsville a chance to learn by intergenerational, outdoor activities. The goal is to learn Arkansas History, yes, but in a way that stimulates the imagination and helps students appreciate their unique heritage here in Pottsville, Arkansas!